WP Content Crawler – Quick Start Guide

Learn the most advanced crawler within 14 minutes! Please see the links below!
Webpage on the video: http://bit.ly/hurriyetdailynews

Question of the day: 13:23
Login to demo: 00:39
Starting the interactive guides: 01:33
Adding a new site: 01:45
Category Section: 02:30
Post Section: 04:43
Alternative Selectors: 07:33
Solution for lazy load images: 08:42
Quick Fixes: 10:19
General Settings: 11:23
Dashboard: 12:28

WP Content Crawler – Get content from almost any site, automatically!

WordPress Content Crawler, is a WordPress Plugin for your websites, and by using it you automatically get content from almost any site to your WordPress site.

Buy it from CodeCanyon now : http://bit.ly/WPContentCrawler
Demo it from WpContentCrawler now: http://bit.ly/DemosWPContentCrawler
Take a look at our beautiful guides: http://bit.ly/DocWPContentCrawler

From WP Content Crawler Academy👨‍🎓:

— Filters: Do things conditionally! – WP Content Crawler NEW UPDATE!: https://youtu.be/BIQtqORMvKg
— Using CSS Selectors in WP Content Crawler: https://youtu.be/40UX22aZS2M
— WP Content Crawler – Quick Start Guide: https://youtu.be/A96kT-jt9RQ
— How to Post From Ebay to WordPress Automatically with WooCommerce Step-by-Step Guide, 2021 – WPCC: https://youtu.be/b90Y8xl1h-8